Burlesque Show in Berlin +4917686373350




 Ancient Greek mythology has left an indelible mark on culture and art, captivating the imagination of artists throughout the ages. Among these mythical figures, the enigmatic and feared Medusa the Gorgon continues to inspire creators to push the boundaries of their craft. Often portrayed as a horrifying monster, few remember that she was once a breathtakingly beautiful maiden in ancient Greece. It comes as no surprise, then, that the lustful Poseidon was instantly drawn to her irresistible charms.


 In this atmospherically striking act, Katrin evokes Medusa, who could turn all living things into stone. She mesmerizes the audience with her entrancing gaze, fluidity of movement and mystical air.


 While Medusa traditionally evokes fear and uncertainty rather than sympathy, Katrin challenges our perception of this mythical figure as a monster and delves into the woman behind the myth.


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 "The Curse of Athena" presents an alternative ending to the Medusa story. The girl does become a monster and accepts her curse. But what if our courageous heroine emerged victorious from her harrowing battle for justice and exacted her revenge on her offender Poseidon?


 This unique and visually intriguing performance is an exquisite blend of classical and modern burlesque, fusing the intimidating presence of the mythical figure with shimmering Swarovski crystals and couture costumes. This act is perfect not only for Halloween-themed events, but any occasion with modern music, burlesque shows, and even fashion events.


Duration: 5 minutes


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